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New Blog!

 Hi guys,  I know I haven’t been very active here, but there’s a good reason. I’m in transition to a new to me logging site. Sense the domain hooked to this site does not run out for some months you will on occasion see a post here. To check out my new blog go to my author’s site link below.

Alone Time


Hey Guys,
Was going to write a poem for this, but decided to just use my talking voice; instead. Some people get lonely and miserable when they spend time to themselves; especially if single. It's easy to get lonely and depressed by yourself when you have nothing to do. Seems one focuses more on loneliness if one is just sitting around doing nothing or just watching T.V. by one's self. Staying busy on a project or interest allows one not to think or feel so much about being by one's self nor in being lonely. Writing poetry and learning how to publish in paperback and eBook has really helped me a great deal in this area.  But, one can easily get bored with your alone time adventure. I can probably kick out a poem in just about any topic I feel I can relate to; however, my adventure in that area in the help it has supplied me is slowing down. Not that I want occasionally write a poem and post here, just that I need and want another adventure to fill my alone time. Although I do read and study my Bible and can never completely understand it's content, and although I am gaining in my relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and know without a doubt how important and necessary that is for me; seems, life has taken on a new light in adventure in my time alone. Of course I will, without fail, continue to read and study the Bible and spend silent time with our Lord in gaining a closer relationship with our Lord as that is extremely important to me. And know that He will and has helped me with the loneliness I feel at times. Knowing God will provide my external and internal needs is the faith I have.  But just sitting around waiting on something to happen that I've been waiting on for a very long time gets me antsy sometimes; so, I have to be doing something. Am still working on my next book project that I will announce soon; however I prioritize that project as a mission to complete in due time. In the meantime, to keep from getting bored I needed more to do.  I don't really give up on adventures, as much as I get bored with them. But, I believe, through a very weird channel, I found something that peaks my interest. It will be years, a great deal of learning and some trail and error hands on experience before I will get bored with this; if ever. It will be a challenge as it being something I know very little about; but, I like a challenge and are looking forward to the adventure it will provide. Prefer not to say what it is. I just know that in addition to my life long journey with the Lord, this adventure will take me to a place of comfort in knowing I'm not just sitting around doing nothing; Idly being lonely and depressed. That I am being productive with my alone time doing and learning something that may in the long run benefit me and my children when I go home to the Lord. 

Point is: Rather than being lonely and bored (Believe it or not, these are two different emotions), one can create and/or find an alone-time adventure in doing something of interest and productivity; of course, one that is morally and legally right. Then maybe one would not think or have time to concentrate on one's loneliness and/or depression. Why waste time sitting around and worrying about being alone, causing yourself more depression that loneliness can sometime bring? And, why be bored?

And remember:


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New Blog!

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