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New Blog!

 Hi guys,  I know I haven’t been very active here, but there’s a good reason. I’m in transition to a new to me logging site. Sense the domain hooked to this site does not run out for some months you will on occasion see a post here. To check out my new blog go to my author’s site link below.

Poem Preview


Here a poem from "Growing Strong in The Lord, Part One" now in My Faves book. Sometimes it seems you wait and wait for something to happen in your life when the Lord is actually moving things along to make that thing you want to happen so badly in Him assuring, first, it happens in His timing and second, it happens for the best of all involved. Patience here is a virtue in letting Him make what ever you are praying for happen in His timing because His timing is the best time. 

It Just Wasn’t Time

When disappointed it wasn’t your time
Rather, a connection or a place to be made
You don’t always see it ahead of time
As in sometimes the moment does fade
Because it just wasn’t time
Thrust in the Lord God, you’ve prayed
Hope comes to you meantime
As He provides you not to be afraid
Even when you’ve waited a lifetime
Your way He makes just in time
No need to ever be dismayed
He will make your wait as prime
Because it just wasn’t time


Thoughts: When it seems you are waiting for the Lord to move in your life, know that; first, He is moving (you just can’t see it, sometimes), and second, that in waiting and staying faithful to Him, your time will come. No doubt about that! But, when you wait on Him, your time will be to His glory, and it will be more than you had hoped for. Stay faithful, your time will come. “Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting your care upon Him, for He cares for you”. (Peter 5: 6-7. NKJV).


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New Blog!

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