Hi guys, I know I haven’t been very active here, but there’s a good reason. I’m in transition to a new to me logging site. Sense the domain hooked to this site does not run out for some months you will on occasion see a post here. To check out my new blog go to my author’s site link below. bydoriselaine.com
Hope for Friendship
While the idea appealing of courtship
It isn't always how it should start out
Sometimes we should only hope for friendship
It isn't always how it should start out
Sometimes we should only hope for friendship
In the act of one on one fellowship
Advancing as friends is what its about
When the idea appealing of courtship
Advancing as friends is what its about
When the idea appealing of courtship
In relating you kindle a kinship
As trust becomes gained with no doubt
When in this we only hope for friendship
Although in courtship its love hoped for
With true friendship love is always there
As care becomes that one does adore
A friend by your side to life you bear
In the highs and lows to this create
A bond you both do gratefully share
Just knowing one is true to you is great
While the idea appealing of courtship
For in true feelings where friends do make
Sometimes we should only hope for friendship
©Doris Elaine