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New Blog!

 Hi guys,  I know I haven’t been very active here, but there’s a good reason. I’m in transition to a new to me logging site. Sense the domain hooked to this site does not run out for some months you will on occasion see a post here. To check out my new blog go to my author’s site link below.

New Poem "Loss of Them"


Loss of Them

Loss of a friend I'd pray Lord save me from
As the pain was hard in life to deal
Now I pray more for the loss of them

As I wonder to what their life will become
I know to my loss the Lord will heal
But a lost friend I pray Lord save them from

I know it's not up to me the outcome
Thou, deep inside for their soul I appeal
Now I pray more for the loss of them

To now the pain in loss reflects in care
Although I know the friendship is gone
My soul beckons a loss in despair

For so close was God's love to rely on
To this was forsaken and friendship loss
As in our differences to this withdrawn

Thou, hard when friendship to this world toss
Loss of a friend I'd pray Lord save me from
But now to the pain I go to the cross
As now I pray more for the loss of them
                    ©Doris Elaine

Thoughts: Haven't wrote my thoughts of one of my poems in a while, but this one I feel needs my thoughts so as not to be misunderstood, nor misinterpreted. Losing a friend, even if only a slight connection, can be painful for some; especially those who have any kind of soul filled heart. Or for those that have very little experience in this area of life; not to mention those having a combination of both. I tend to border the combination of both. Having recently lost a potential friend, the pain I was feeling at first was to myself. Feelings of what did I do wrong, where did I go wrong, what did I misunderstand about the potential relationship, what can I do to correct it, and so on and on...self. Then I started reflecting on what I believe to be our differences and realized maybe it just wasn't meant to be. That's when my pity party to myself started reflecting outwardly in concern for the other person's well-being. Please don't take me wrong. I in no way assume I'm better than anyone. Quite the opposite. But, as a Christian who fully believes in the power of healing from the Lord, I know I will be okay. That He will heal my brokeness from this. My heart felt concern then became that of the other person. I can only assume it was our differences that led to our friendship loss. And that's it, assume because we really didn't get to know each other that well. I know I seen where this person announced not being religious and that is all I have to go on. Only the Lord really knows for sure. And, I don't claim to be holier than thou, that's not me. I just know where I stand. I know I talk a great deal about the Lord and Christianity, maybe a bit too much for some. This, I can't help as I grow deeper in the relationship with our Lord. But, I guessing for some, it's a bit much to take in or even to deal with. And, again, I assuming. I really don't know what caused the friendship to die. All I do know at this point is that I hope we will see each other in heaven, if not again here on earth. Friends come and go. I don't believe we meet people by mistake, that every encounter is for a purposeful reason. I also, know it is not for my purpose alone that connections are made as I have no power in determining the outcome. That only the Lord Himself has the power to save someone from themself. I don't pray in pity for myself any longer, but in the hope that the other person of this failed friendship doesn't let this world consume them in losing out on the greatest gift to humanity; eternal life. And that's what this poem is all about. 


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